Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time is flying!

Last weekend you went to the Lowry Park Zoo for the first time.  You fed goats and a giraffe!  It was really cold, and we didn't get to have as much fun as I would have hoped.  We're going to take you to a real zoo soon, down here.  And we're going to wait till the weather is a little nicer.  Your little cheeks were chapped red.  You also took your first trips to IHOP!  You loved it! All the waitresses and customers were watching you and saying how cute you are. 

In the last week you went from walking pretty well to walking so much.  You try to run sometimes but that doesn't usually go so well.  But you're getting there.

We think you might have some allergies.  We are hoping you're not allergic to Daddy's cat, Oscar.  You play with him so much and chase him all over.  He's a good cat, too... because he lets you! 

Sometimes Daddy and I just look at you and can't believe how much you've grown. 

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