Friday, January 6, 2012

Where do I start?

Avery, as I write this, you are sitting in a pile of papers that you have strewn all over the living room.  You're chattering away, and having fun.  I could make you stop and I could clean up the papers, but the key is... you're having fun and I love the sound of you chatting and babbling so much that I will let you have your fun.  The papers can wait.

Right now, you are 1 year old, and 1 week!  I cannot believe that I've been blessed enough to have you in my life for this long already.  You are so much fun, and you smile all the time.  Your smile stops people in their tracks.  Your daddy and I don't get a lot of things done because we enjoy watching you so much! 

You are so mischievous and clever.  You figure things out so easily.  Right now your favorite toys are a panda stuffed animal that Daddy calls your "lovey bear" and you have some noisy toys you enjoy.  The things you seem to play with the most aren't even toys!  Piles of paper, your brother's guitar hero guitar, and you love getting into my purse.  You like Daddy's Blackberry a lot too!  You like to dance, and you love when your Daddy sings you to sleep at night while he carries you.

You're starting to drink real milk now, and you absolutely LOVE Gerber Graduate cheddar crunchies.  You love cheerios and one of your favorite breakfast foods is eggs. 

I never thought I'd have a daughter, and when I found out you were a girl, I had so many mixed emotions.  I was worried about my medical history, but I was intrigued by the thought of having a little girl.  We fell in love with you that day and there was no turning back.  We knew your name would be Avery before you were even created.  You are a child that we tried very hard to have, and your name fits you perfectly. 

You are so loved by so many people!  You have two older brothers, Brian and Raymond.  You have your grandparents and several uncles, and some aunts as well.  They all adore you!  We take you to church every Sunday and people stop us and admire you.  They remember when I was pregnant with you and they all say how much you've grown and how well behaved you are in church.  Daddy went to the same church since he was born as well, so you are following his footsteps in that.

We love you so much.  No matter what happens, and what changes in the world by the time you grow up, that is the one thing you can be sure of.  You are beautiful little girl and we are so proud to be your parents.

But, gosh, are you making a mess right now!

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